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Entries from Kathleen Rogers tagged with 'heart'


I'm working on a recording project that explores the irregular heart beat in transgenic zebrafish. Measurements of electrical activity of different chambers and areas of the living heart are made to resemble maps. In developmental genetics the zebrafish genes are...


Work in progress based on initial meetings with researchers at the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Science, Hubrecht Developmental Biology Lab, Utrecht University. From my Project Notebooks: Genetic Sculpture The themes of this project focus on the signals of...

Signal Cascade

Zebrafish facility at the Hubrecht Developmental Biology Laboratory, Utrecht University The Perishable Soft Image Genes that control other genes have nucleotide seqeunces that are conserved accross the whole animal kingdom. Repeated functions, organizers and zones are transplanted into developing...

Zebrafish Zoo

Zebrafish facility at the Hubrecht Developmental Biology Laboratory, Utrecht University The transparency and motion of the fish coalesce and suggest the change, migration and transcription of bases of DNA Biotic Life In genetic studies, the zebrafish is perceived as a...


The Anatomy of the Heart as a Pump The heart is a muscular pump that propels blood into the arterial (delivery) system and receives blood from the venous (return) system. The heart is divided into right and left sides....