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February 3, 2015



From a series of 14 SEM photographs of 19th century chantilly lace fragment from archive collection from Birmingham City Museum.

Welcome to my website.

What follows is a combination of review, association and research - a place to store ideas, archive and share my artworks and process.

In my visual arts research, as always, I'm trying to explore how scientific aspects of human biology can become more directly accessible in emotional and aesthetic terms.

Through my work I seek to demonstrate how minimal, economic and explicit methods can be used to express the ambiguous epistemological status of living entities in genetic research. The arts give human meaning and value to scientific and technological enterprise but the artist’s role equally include shifting meanings, contexts and categories, framing and modifying experiments that challenge meaning and value. My arts research broadly consists of connecting and inscribing a mental life to material outcomes by melding differing epistemic cultures with precise ambiguity. I believe that research partnerships with science, technology engineering and medical research disciplines will lead to new hybrid forms of knowledge. Research cultures have different epistemic cultures but common to all are the inherent problems associated with framing and setting up meaningful experiments. The apparatus and experiment in the case of art as research can usefully contain a set of embodied strategies, philosophical propositions and theories that challenge taken for granted assumptions that scientific methods cannot approach or address such as who is the “I” doing the experiment and when does an experiment begin and end?

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This page contains a single entry from the site posted on February 3, 2015 10:35 AM.

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