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January 8, 2016

Bite Size - Dark Space


Produced for Bite Size, Miniature Textiles an International group-touring exhibition devised by Prof Lesley Millar. Black Lace, Dark Space, is a miniature textile work. A fragment of 19th Century black silk Chantilly lace embedded on metal disk and thinly coated with ionized gold particles is presented meticulously prepared as if for a Scanning Electron Microscopy imaging system. Conceived and displayed as a scientific relic, the fixed Chantilly lace sample represents the enduring residue of the Black Lace film installation project. The composite lace object alludes to the procedural methods of the non-optical, dark space imaging process, the unusual characteristics of silk and visualisation methods common to art and science. The work engages audiences with the creative, transformative methods of art and science. How matter is transformed from one substance to another and the importance of listening to materials to gain a greater understanding of the world.

Japan House Gallery, Daiwa Foundation, London
Gallery Gallery, Kyoto, Japan
Nagoya University of the Arts and Science

Gold coated Chantilly lace and palladium scanning electron micro-disc

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