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August 8, 2007

Art of Creation

Future Exhibition
Exhibition of installation, Tremor within the forthcoming group show, Genesis - The Art of Creation,Zentrum Paul Klee, Berne, Switzerland.
3rd November 2007 to 17th February 2008

Genesis, Analysis, Code, Playing Games and Chaos – these are the five dramatic focal points of this exhibition. They connect and combine scientific and artistic aspects of genetics and creation in a dramatically designed presentation of paintings, interactive installations, light installations, video projections, cartoons, photographs and sculptures by international artists such as Mona Hatoum, Ross Bleckner, Mark Francis, Chuck Close, Piet Mondrian, Paul Klee, Marcel Duchamp, Dieter Roth and Mark Dion. These heterogeneous exhibits will convey the most significant research results of the 20th and 21st centuries, placing them in an artistic context that confirms this issue's relevance to society, its wide emotional spectrum and its decade-long, unchanging political importance.

Fabienne Eggelhöfer

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